- The Mount Calvary Baptist Church was organized in August, 1917 by a small group of Christians who migrated to the state of Connecticut from the state of Georgia. When the church was first organized, they were without a pastor and a sanctuary. Meetings were held in various places in the Hartford area, from basements of churches to store front buildings.
- The Reverend M. C. Pittman, was elected as the first pastor in 1918. Under his administration, the church at 49 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford, CT was purchased. Pastor Pittman served until 1923.
- Reverend C. A. Lang was elected as second Pastor and he served from 1923, until 1928.
- Reverend W. D. Davis was then elected as the third Pastor in 1928. He served until 1933. After his resignation, due to illness, Rev. O. J. DeLoach, Rev. C. W. Washington, and Rev. Hershel Ware served as Assistant Pastor until the election for the fourth Pastor, Rev. H. C. Collins. He served from 1933 to 1938.
- In 1938, Rev. Frederick Douglas Oates was elected as the fifth Pastor. Under his administration, the Charter Oak Avenue church mortgage was paid off. On May 21, 1946, the church body agreed to sell the church on Charter Oak Avenue. Again, the congregation was without a church home. In 1946, the members purchased a six family building at 58-60 Mahl Avenue in Hartford, CT. This establishment served as a meeting house, a parsonage and later served as Sunday School classrooms.
- In that year, the City of Hartford donated to the church, 200 feet of land at the end of Bethel Street (previously owned by Sidney M. and Mary A. Johnson). They began to build a place of worship. In 1947, the congregation was able to move into the lower auditorium. In 1953, the upper level of the church was completed and the congregation moved into the upper sanctuary in April, 1954. In 1958, the mortgage was burned. The church grew in great numbers and more room was acquired from the Spring Grove Cemetery for parking. Rev. Oates served as Pastor of the Mount Calvary Baptist Church for 38 years. He retired on November 6, 1976.
- In 1968, Rev. James B. Morrison became the Assigned Pastor under the leadership of Rev. Oates. He served faithfully until 1976.
- Rev. Charles Milton served as Moderator in 1977. Because of his dedication and love for the church, he left his Biblical Library to us, which is located in the lower auditorium.
- In December 1977, Rev. Earl Lawson was elected the sixth Pastor. He served from 1977 until 1980.
- On November 23, 1981, Rev. Dr. Judge Lee was elected the seventh Pastor. The church experienced progress in many areas during his Pastorate. Attendance steadily increased at Sunday school, the Monday night Bible class and Wednesday night Prayer Service. Our affiliation and fellowship with our sister churches, associations, and conventions were also increased. The following new organizations were established under Pastor Lee’s guidance: The Mother’s Board, reorganization of the Pastor’s Aide Club and F. D. Oates Youth/Young Adult Choir, Tuesday day Bible class, Youth Church, Christian Board of Education and the Feed the Poor Mission. The Feed the Poor Mission (Soup Kitchen) opened it’s doors for service on March 3, 1983. The late Deacon Rush Turner, the late Deacon Gus Isaac and another community activist were instrumental in the organization and implementation of this mission. Trustee Freddie Moultry, Sis. Mae Shelton and the late Sis. Molly Blakely were the mission’s first cooks.
- Under the leadership and the supervision of Pastor Lee, the following Ministers were licensed to preach the gospel: Sandy Johnson, Victor Rush, Olivia Johnson, Johnny Bush, Joseph Smith, C. Sterling Davis, Gloria Jean Lewis and the late Alfred Howard and Mary Hawthorne. Min. Ernest Allen was ordained. The following Deacons were ordained in June, 1985: Jeff Powell, Robert George, Eddie Harley and the late Walter Clark. On December 3, 1989, Pastor Lee officially resigned from the Mount Calvary Baptist Church.
- Our Board of Deacons were in charge of Mt. Calvary’s leadership in the absence of a Pastor. With the approval of the Board of Deacons, Rev. Sandy Johnson and Rev. Thomas Tate were appointed by the church to serve as Coordinators of Ministers until the acceptance of a new Pastor. In 1989, Marie B. Alston, became the first woman to be elected trustee in the Mount Calvary Baptist Church.
- On April 27, 1992, Rev. Richard L. Nash accepted the position of Pastor for Mt. Calvary. Under his pastorate, the inception of the Children’s choir, Sounds of Joy choir, the Hospitality Ministry, the Culinary Ministry, the Praise Team, Praise Dancers and Candy Stripers were added. The reorganization of the choirs, Mother’s Ministry, the Christian Board of Education and the Male Usher Board were instituted. Also, we had our first woman chairperson of the Trustee Ministry, Sis. Joyce Fredricks. Under Pastor Nash’s leadership, Deacon Clarence Black and Deacon Ulysses Hall were ordained and Min. Gerald Smith, Sr., and Min. Jeff Powell were licensed to preach the gospel.
- In the fall of 1999, the church began construction of an elevator and extensive renovations of the church sanctuary and fellowship hall. On May 14, 2000, the elevator was dedicated. The first person to ride the elevator was Sis. Lula Roberts. The first couple to get married in the newly renovated sanctuary was Sis. Janet Randall Smith and Bro. Jessie Smith. Also, in the year of 2000, Pastor Nash received his doctorate degree and on Sunday, July 30, 2000, Minister Neal Butler preached his initial sermon.
- On Sunday, March 17, 2002, Minister Jeff Powell was ordained. He is now the Pastor of Smyrna Missionary Baptist Church, Windsor Locks, CT.
- The Lord has blessed Mt. Calvary spiritually. On April 21, the following Deacons were ordained: Richard Brown, Marvin Campbell, Lorenzo Elliott, Carlton Leslie, Harry Lewis, and Warren McClendon.
- During the year of 2003, we began and completed and renovations of the first floor and porch of the Church house.
- During the first part of 2004, construction on a larger finance room was completed and the Finance Team moved into their new quarters.
- In 2005, a new 15 passenger van was purchased. The van service provided by the church is essential to our senior members, persons without transportation and to our young people.
- On Sunday, March 11, 2007, Minister Lorenzo Elliott, Sr., preached his initial sermon.
- During the latter part of 2008, renovations began on the church properties. While the project has not been completed, much progress has been made.
We are praying that God will continue to strengthen all of us and let us grow together in Christian love.