Be Heard – your vote counts and matters! Check your local town hall to register. The 2020 presidential election is on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

Be Heard – your vote counts and matters! Check your local town hall to register. The 2020 presidential election is on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
Join us online on Sundays at 10:00 am for worship via Facebook Live! Visit Our Facebook page
YOUTH: The Black History Ministry will be sponsoring a “reading contest” and there is still time for your to sign up. Please see Sis. Janette Isaac or any Black History Ministry member to get the details.
The Black History, Male Chorus and Nurses Ministries are seeking new members. Please introduce yourself to any member of these organizations to gain access.
You’re Invited to 5th Sunday League Meetings The league meetings train our youth to be future leaders and showcase their talents. Join us as we Praise and Worship through Song & Dance, Poetry, Readings, Music & More 2017 – 5th Sunday League Meeting Dates: Sunday, January 29, 2017 Sunday, April 30th Sunday, July 30th Sunday,…
A Diabetes Support Group is being held every first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Please come out and learn how to manage your diabetes. For more information please contact Sis. Comalita Elliott at 860-550-0918.
ATTENTION: The F.D. Oates Youth Choir is looking for new members. If you want to sing please see Sis. Debbie Gamble or Sis. Luevenia Lee if you have questions or come out for rehearsals on the 2nd and 3rd Friday of each month at 6pm.
ATTENTION: Any member who would like a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws for the church is encouraged to contact Deacon Robert George.
ATTENTION: For those who need to perform court ordered Community Service, please contact the Deacon’s Ministry or Pastor Nash. If you have questions, please see Dea. Robert George.
Attention all members: The Deacon’s Ministry has indicated that they will be re-registering the church in the near future. Please watch the bulletin for further details.