This unit has four sessions from the book of Genesis that reveal aspects of love. Lesson one reveals how a lack of familial love devolves into jealousy and destruction. Lesson two portrays Joseph’s commitment to love that refuses to hold on to past wrongs and instead seeks God’s path to future success. Lessons three and four show Joseph’s brothers coming to Egypt and reveal how love and reconciliation can prevail in spite of harsh and negative circumstances.

September 6—Biased Love – Genesis 25:28; 35:23-26

Jealousy, hate, and love are emotions that people experience in their families. How do family members deal with these emotions? A biased love by Jacob for his son Joseph led to envy and a plot to kill Joseph.

September 13—Obedient Love – Genesis 41:13-57

It can be difficult to hold on to dreams of future success when faced with extreme hardships. What inner resources do we need in order to continue the quest for success? Because Joseph loved and obeyed God, he was able to engage in wise and discerning problem-solving that motivated Pharaoh to appoint him second in command over all of Egypt.

September 20—Victorious Love – Genesis 42

Some people allow guilt over the past to poison their present. Is it ever possible to be free from condemnation for past actions? When Joseph saw and remembered his brothers who sold him into Egyptian slavery, he showed compassion while motivating them to recall and take responsibility for their earlier actions.

September 27—Revealed Love – Genesis 43; 45:1-15

Sometimes one is overwhelmed by tragic events in his or her life. What can keep hope alive after the struggle ends? Joseph tells his brothers what they meant as harm was God’s plan for saving them, a remnant of God’s people.