A Play “The Bridegroom Cometh” Saturday, August 25th @ 5pm Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Fellowship Hall $10.00 per person
A Play “The Bridegroom Cometh” Saturday, August 25th @ 5pm Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Fellowship Hall $10.00 per person
Come and join us at Vacation Bible School starting on Monday, August 14th through Friday, August 18th from 6pm to 8pm each night. This year’s theme is: Glow for JESUS…Let Your Light Shine”. Please come to VBS and learn how we are all encouraged to let our light shine for Jesus and make an impact…
Come and join us at Vacation Bible School, Monday, August 13-Friday, August 17th. Light refreshments will be served daily at 5:15pm. Our theme this year is: “Jesus, The Kingdom Builder-Strong Families, Churches & Communities” which is taken from Hebrews 11:10. Together, we can build-and rebuild-so that our families are strengthened, our churches are revitalized, and…
Please save the following dates for upcoming 101th Church Anniversary events: Friends & Family Day: August 11, 2018 The assessment for each member is $101.00 and 301.00 for each ministry. Anniversary Color: Shades of Green